Partnering approvals
In recognition of our company’s wide experience in partnering frameworks we confirm our registration/approval with the following partners:
- Swansea Bay University Health Board
- The City and County of Swansea Council
- Carmarthenshire County Borough Council
- South West Wales Framework
- Gorwel Consortium
- SEWSCAP 3 Framework
- Cardiff University Framework
- Newport Norse Framework
- RCT Homes Framework

Why partner with us?
We are imbued with a strong partnering culture based on the following principles:
- Taking ownership of projects
- Seeking win-win solutions
- Value engineering and cross-fertilisation of ideas at the earliest stage
- Maintaining quality and value for money
- Enhancing our local reputation for work on high quality innovative projects
- Working for long-term relationships within the framework of mutual trust and rapport
- Developing a first-class team of locally skilled craftspeople
- Developing a crack team of senior management
- Ensuring we have highly motivated and empowered staff
- Working with subcontractors who share our ethos